Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Difference Between Boys and Girls

While we were at the Gateway with Grandma K. and our cousins, Mckenna and her cousin Natalee really wanted to get a build-a-bear. The mean mom that I am said no and I didn't want to spend that much money on a stuffed animal. So after some whining and tears, guess who jumps in and says they'll get it for her?... thats right, GRANDMA!!
Aren't they the best! The tricky thing is, there are a lot of grandkids there, so we have to convice the others to not want a build a bear, so Grandma only has to buy one for Mckenna and her cousin Natalee.
One perk of having an autistic child, is that he really doesn't care about a lot of things like buying toys or stuff. He doesn't understand the excitment of picking and stuffing your own stuffed animal. He just sat by the computers there and played on the keyboard.
So when I asked Caden what he would want, he said, "oh mom, I know exactly what I want, it's down by the gumball machines!!" I asked if he would rather have that or a build-a-bear, and he said he wanted to use his OWN quarter to get this toy by the gumballs. Well that was easy enough. I just love the simplicity of boys. The littlest things make Caden happy. Thanks Grandma for saving the day!

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