Thursday, September 16, 2010

Little Saige, and she is really little!

Sorry about this first picture- it's a little gross, but I accidentally uploaded it and I can't figure out how to delete it. Oh well, that is the miracle of life.
Saige was born Sept. 14th @ 1:50 pm
only 6lbs, 4 0z. which is our smallest baby. Now that we came home she is only 5lbs. 14oz. The pictures of her face make her look kind of chubby and big. But for as skinny as she is, she does have some chub on her checks and chin. And for a Schmidt baby, she has a lot of hair! Everything went very smoothly and I have to say, probably my easiest delivery. The nurses called me the one push wonder, since she came out in (2 pushes really) and they called Saige their potatoe bug because she would roll up and over in a little ball whenever they tried to wrap her up.
Most of you may be surprised by our name choice, because the vote for her name was Scarlett. It was most likely going to be Scarlett until she came out. Even the nurses were pulling for Scarlett, but there was something about her that it just didn't seem to fit her. So as I was about to check out of the hospital, they made me fill in the birth certificate. You may not want to say Saige Schmidt too quickly 3 times, but our hope for her is to get married some day with a better last name.
She looks like a mix of all the other 4 kids, depending on the moment you look at her. I don't think we went out of the mold too much. So far she is a real sweet heart, but I'm sure she hasn't truly woken up to life yet. All the kids adore her, Miley is so proud to be a big sister!
We are happy to be home and welcome the craziness that I'm sure is about to start, in about 20 mins. when the kids get home from school for the first time since we got home from the hospital! Wish us some luck!!