Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th Of July

I didn't want Saige outside crawling around the fireworks (and she won't sit still) so we put her inside behind the glass door. She still had a gread view without the danger.

(The kids are always asking for kisses from Saige, but she isn't that willing to give them out)

This was our first 4th of July without going to see family. So this time we had to entertain ourselves and actually buy our own fireworks. At Shauna and Joes house they always make a breakfast outside with all the neighbors. We did have bacon, pancakes and eggs together, but not with the neighbors. Our neighborhood did have a little get togther at the park with Cold Stone Icecream, and the firetruck came and sprayed all the kids. They loved that- but I didn't have my camera.

We went and saw Cars 2, then came home and barbequed. We didn't want to stay up late at the city fireworks, so we did our own show in the backyard. I didn't get many pictures, and the ones that I took didn't turn out very good, but the kids did have a good time, you'll just have to take my word for it, but they did miss their cousins.

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