Sunday, June 12, 2011


Our sweet friend Coryn took pictures for us and she did a fabulous job, but we always seem to have bad luck with the weather, which affects the kids attitude and patience. I had these huge 36 in. balloons that I thought would be fun for the kids, but we didn't get any real pictures with them since it was so windy and cold. The next day we took Mckenna out and did some more with the balloons- but they shrunk half the size. (I did this posting on two different days, so I accidently put some picutres twice.)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I can NOT believe how old Mckenna is. She looks like a teenager! Im so glad you called her "Kenna bug". Her party was super cute too. I wish Ellie and Makenna (and you and I) could still hang out!